How to Maintain Nylon Lifting Slings and What Not to Do with Them

When you choose synthetic lifting slings, such as nylon, you’ll want to understand how to maintain it so that it will last for many years. Every synthetic material type is excellent, but they have varying characteristics. One of the benefits of nylon, however, is that it is so flexible and economical. Understanding how to care for your nylon lifting slings will ensure they last for as long as possible before requiring replacement.

Nylon and Polyester Lifting Slings Don’ts

Try to avoid crushing the sling between your load and your surfaces. It is best to prevent knotting and crush your slings. There could be issues with the load surface, so try to avoid wear and tear acceleration. You also want to avoid letting the sling get exposed to the sun, which puts forth UV rays. That can degrade the sling’s quality, causing it to wear faster. If the colors are essential to your operations, you also do not want the UV rays to degrade those.  Visit source to read more.

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1430 N Post Oak Road, Houston, Texas 770551


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