The Correct Way of Inspecting Chain Slings

There are many reasons experienced professionals recommend using a chain sling when lifting heavy loads. Their level of performance with regards to heat resistance and the overall durability of the rigging chains are typically unmatched when stacked up against other types of slings.
This doesn’t mean chain slings are invincible; biases and distortions can occur over time. Murphy Industrial Products Inc. recommends a proper inspection of your chains slings to ensure you’re getting the most out of your lifting and rigging equipment (and most importantly - help to prevent any accidents).
Your inspection should begin with a thorough cleaning of your rigging chains. Small gouges, corrosion, or other damage in the chains could be obstructed by oil, paint, dirt, or other debris. Cleaning each chain will help you more easily see potential damage so you can make any necessary repairs or replacement.
When you’re finished cleaning and inspecting your chains for imperfections, measure your sling legs before every use. While rigging chains are more durable than many other slings, stretching could still occur over time. Overloading can also cause sling legs to stretch. This stretching of the sling legs can render your lifting and rigging equipment unable to properly handle loads it is designed for. Using slings legs that need to be replaced is not only inefficient but also dangerous. Visit source to read more.

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Murphy Industrial Products, Inc. 
1430 N Post Oak Road, Houston, Texas 77055


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